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CF: Top Won Salesforce Opportunities in Q1
MH: Top Won Salesforce Opportunities in Q1
Tech Corner
Cybercriminal attacks are increasing, and they are sending more and more fake emails pretending to be someone you know like an employee or boss. They will often request some form of information (login/password) or payment. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop someone from emailing you, claiming to be someone else. Please take a moment […]
Contracts Dept: Friendly Reminders
Just a friendly reminder to make sure you have your subcontracts, purchase orders, and insurance certificates in place prior to having a vendor or a subcontractor onsite! Are you curious to know what subcontracts and purchase orders are complete on your job? Reach out to Claudia ( or I ( anytime and we can let […]
HR Updates
Contact HR at with any benefits questions and for the following: Updating your personal information.Please keep this information up to date, i.e., address, phone number, emails, etc. If we do not have your current information, you may be missing information we send out either via email, to your home address, or even via text. Filling out […]
HL Safety: Watch out For Heat Illness
What you need to do to avoid heat illness: 1. Drink water – Drink small amounts of water frequently, every 15-20 minutes. The importance of doing this cannot be overstated. In some heat-related deaths, water was available, but workers did not drink it. Avoid drinking caffeinated or energy drinks. Drink lots of water in the […]
MH Resource: New Equipment
Good Afternoon! See below for some new equipment we just bought! Let me know if you have any questions.CAT 150 Blade Specs Takeuchi TB216 w/thumb 12″, 18″ and 24″ bkt. Specs