April 2022
Some articles are priceless, and the one written below by Joe Hester (former president of McGuire and Hester) is no exception and warrants another revival.
A lot has happened since Joe left this world 10 years ago, but the 6 principles he wrote about still hold true, even more so today than any time in our past.
Our consolidated revenue has increased over two-fold from $91 million in 2012 to over $200 million for the recent year-end. Not only has our revenue grown, but more importantly, our people. So for all those that have joined our Family of Companies in the last 10 years and those like myself that need a refresher on what is really important – enjoy, learn and live the following read from Joe Hester.
What can we do to be a better co-worker?
Originally published June 2011
I was reading an article with the above title and found it worth sharing with you. One of the first personal questions I ask you “name the three people you work with that you look forward to seeing every day. Now name those who rain on your parade any time you see them. Which list was the easier to generate?
Lucy of “Peanuts” said, “I love mankind; it’s people I can’t stand,” and Lee Iacocca said, “Anyone who cannot get along with people has earned the kiss of death because that is all we got around here.”
Whether you like the person or not, you have to learn to get along with the person. Not directing your focus on this can destroy your business activity. Your attitude will show through to all you have contact with both fellow employees and our clients as well. Remember, people not specs. In many cases will be the key to success. Never underestimate the people in your life. And always look for an opportunity to improve your relationships no matter how good they may be already.
Here are some points from the article that I thought would be helpful for all of us.
- Maintain a positive attitude.
- Have an upbeat outlook and enthusiasm for your job and the organization you work for.
- Look for opportunities, not problems. Show the bright side.
- Always demonstrate integrity. Be honest with people. When you don’t know, say so. Admit your mistakes and move on. Keep your promises, deadlines, and schedules. This shows respect and reliability for others.
- Show a willingness to try. Know your ability, but don’t be afraid of challenges because of failure.
- Ask questions even if they may sound ignorant.
- Co-operate. Be a team player. Help your fellow workers with the priorities. Offer support when needed. Share information. Be ready to help when needed.
- Manage conflict. Ability to resolve conflicts among groups of workers. We are always looking for those who can build positive relationships between employees yet do not shy away.
- Focus on other people. Ask questions that let others talk, and let them share their thoughts. You will find some common ground for further conversation.
- Set a great example. Show others that can count on you to be fair, friendly, and even-tempered. Remember you are dealing with people who also have feelings, opinions, and ideas.
Then take these suggestions and apply them to our clients, they are people too. You will deal with them with the same human touch showing that you care. I believe the client will reward you and our company for professionalism by wanting M&H to do future work for them. These thoughts and guidelines apply to all of us, and if followed on a daily basis, they not only will improve all our relationships at work but in every facet of our life.